Does Masturbation Cause Weight Loss? (Myth Buster)


Dive into the world of sexual health where people are talking openly about masturbation. 

Masturbation offers numerous health benefits. Masturbation used to be seen as bad, is now understood to have many benefits. 

It can help with stress, improve mental health, and offer various other advantages. Ever wondered if it could help you lose weight? Well, let’s separate fact from fiction.

We’ll explore the truths and myths about masturbation and how it affects your body. So, let’s unravel this fascinating topic together!

Exploring the Concept of Masturbation:

Masturbation is when an individual stimulates their own sexual organs for pleasure. It’s a normal and common approach for people to explore their bodies and feel sexual excitement and fulfillment. It normally does no harm and might be a positive aspect of a person’s sexuality. 

It doesn’t usually cause any harm and can be a healthy part of a person’s sexuality. It’s done in private and doesn’t involve another person. 

People may masturbate for various reasons, including stress relief, curiosity, or simply because it feels good.

Body’s Reactions to Masturbation:

Physiologically, masturbation triggers a series of responses in the body. When an individual gets sexually stimulated, blood flow rises to the genital area, resulting in an erection in men and engorgement in women. 

As sexual stimulation continues, nerve endings in the genital region send signals to the brain, triggering the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and oxytocin. 

These chemicals make you feel happy and satisfied, which makes you want to do it again.

A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that masturbation can lead to the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers. This suggests that masturbation may have positive effects on mood and well-being.

Role of Orgasm: Understanding Its Impact: 

The act of masturbation itself typically involves rhythmic stimulation of the genitals to achieve sexual release, known as orgasm. 

When having an orgasm, the body undergoes various physical changes such as a faster heartbeat, higher blood pressure, and muscle tightening. 

These changes are temporary and generally subside shortly after orgasm occurs.

Myth busting: Masturbation’s Impact on Weight Loss:

For a long time, some people have thought that masturbating makes you lose weight. This idea often comes from cultural beliefs, wrong information, and stories people tell from their own experiences. But when scientists look into this idea, they find very little proof to support it.

Infographic image about can masturbation causes weight loss. Masturbation does not burn many calories and does not increase metabolism significantly. Overall, masturbation is not an effective weight loss strategy.

Caloric Expenditure during Masturbation:

While physical activities like exercise can indeed burn calories and contribute to weight management, the energy spent during masturbation is considerably less compared to activities such as running, biking, or swimming.

Studies suggest that the calorie expenditure during sexual activities, including masturbation, typically ranges from 75 to 150 calories per session, influenced by factors like intensity, duration, and body weight.

Research published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior observed that the average duration of male masturbation sessions ranged from 4 to 11 minutes, with an estimated energy expenditure of around 100 calories per session. 

Though individual experiences may vary, these findings underscore the relatively modest calorie burn associated with solo sexual activity.

Why Masturbation Isn’t a Weight-Loss Strategy:

Masturbation has been speculated by some to be a potential weight-loss strategy, but in reality, it’s not an effective method for shedding pounds. 

  • Not Much Calorie Burn: Research shows that when you masturbate, you don’t burn many calories like you would with real exercise.
  • Doesn’t Last Long: Masturbation usually only lasts a short time, so it doesn’t burn enough calories to help you lose weight in the long run.
  • Not Consistent: Unlike regular exercise, not everyone masturbates regularly or on a set schedule. This makes it a bad choice for trying to manage your weight.

Sustainable weight management involves a combination of balanced nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management. Relying solely on masturbation for weight loss isn’t practical or realistic.

Ultimately, while masturbation is a normal and healthy part of human sexuality, it’s important to recognize its limitations as a weight-loss strategy and instead focus on holistic approaches to wellness and fitness.

Alternatives for Weight Loss Beyond Masturbation:

Balanced Diet:

Maintaining a balanced diet is a cornerstone of effective weight management, as highlighted by research. 

It’s all about prioritizing whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoiding processed foods, sugary drinks, and calorie-packed snacks can make a big difference.

Portion Control:

Keeping an eye on portion sizes plays a crucial role in keeping calorie intake in check. Being mindful of how much you’re eating during meals and snacks is key. 

Using smaller plates, measuring servings, and practicing mindful eating can help curb the urge to overconsume.

Meal Planning:

Planning your meals ahead of time helps you eat nutrient rich foods and avoid eating too much all at once. 

Try planning meals for the whole week with lots of different healthy foods. Aim for balanced meals that give you all the nutrients you need.

Physical Activity and Exercise

Regular Exercise:

It’s important to exercise regularly, not just to lose weight but also to stay healthy overall. 

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week, but any amount of activity is better than none. 

Cardiovascular Exercise:

Doing things like walking, jogging, biking, or swimming is great for burning calories and keeping your heart healthy. 

Finding activities you like and doing them regularly can make exercising feel more fun and less like a Task.

Strength Training:

Doing exercises like lifting weights, using resistance bands, or doing bodyweight workouts can help you build muscle and make your body burn more calories. 

Try to do strength training exercises that work your whole body at least two times a week to get the best results.

Lifestyle Modifications

Adequate Sleep:

Getting good sleep is really important for trying to lose weight. 

If you don’t get enough sleep, it can mess up your appetite hormones and make you crave more food, which can lead to gaining weight. 

Try to get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Stress Management:

Constant stress can really mess with your weight by making you eat more when you’re feeling stressed out, which can lead to gaining weight. 

Doing things like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or just spending time outside can help you relax and feel better overall.

Behavior Change:

Changing up your habits and behaviors around eating and physical activity is essential for making lasting progress on your weight loss journey. 

Setting realistic goals, tracking your progress, and seeking support from loved ones or professionals can keep you on track and motivated for the long haul.

Exploring the Health Benefits of Masturbation:

While masturbating won’t make you lose weight, it offers several positive benefits for your overall well-being.

  • Relaxation: When you masturbate, your body releases chemicals like endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin. These are hormones that make you feel good and relaxed, which can help lower your stress levels.
  • Better Sleep: When you masturbate, your body releases hormones and chemicals that help you relax. This can make it easier for you to fall asleep and can also improve the quality of your sleep.
  • Sexual Satisfaction: Masturbation lets you learn about your own body and what feels good to you. This can make you feel more satisfied sexually and help you connect with yourself better.
  • Masturbation Eases Sexual Tension: Masturbation is a safe and easy way to release sexual tension and satisfy your desires by yourself, without needing someone else.
  • Pelvic Health: For men, masturbating can help make the muscles in their pelvic area stronger. This could mean better control over your bladder and stronger erections.
  • Pain Relief: Masturbation has been reported that helps to ease period pains and headaches because it makes your body release natural painkillers called endorphins.
  • Improved Immunity: Some studies show that being sexually active, including masturbating, might help your immune system work better. It could do this by increasing certain antibodies in your body that fight off sickness and by lowering stress hormones..
  • Improving Sexual Issues: Masturbation can be helpful if you’re having problems with sex. It might make you feel more turned on, improve how well you perform sexually, and ease worries about not performing well.
  • Mental Health: Masturbating can make you feel happy, relaxed, and can promote self-confidence. It’s good for your mental health and can boost your overall happiness.

Negative effects of Masturbation:

While masturbation is generally considered normal and healthy, there are a few potential negative aspects to be aware of:

  • Too Much Masturbation: Doing it too often or feeling like you can’t stop can lead to physical irritation or injury. It may also interfere with daily activities and responsibilities.
  • Feeling Bad: Some people might feel really bad or embarrassed about masturbating, especially if they’re from places where it’s considered wrong or weird.
  • Messing Up Relationships: Too much self-pleasure can mess up your relationships. It might make you less interested in sex with your partner, leading to decreased sexual desire or performance issues with a partner.
  • Having unrealistic expectations: Watching porn or fantasizing while masturbating can make you think sex and relationships are like what you see on screen. But that can make you unhappy or struggle when it comes to real-life sex. 
  • Addiction: Although it doesn’t happen often, some people can become so obsessed with masturbating that it starts to mess with their mental health, relationships, and overall well-being.

If masturbating causes you serious problems like lasting pain, strange swelling, or big emotional stress, it’s crucial to see a doctor. They can give you advice and help with any worries you’re facing.


In simple terms, the idea that masturbating makes you lose weight is not true. While it might make your heart beat faster and boost your metabolism temporarily, the number of calories you burn during it is very small. So, it won’t make a big difference in your weight.

Also, the belief that ejaculation takes away a lot of nutrients or burns a ton of calories isn’t backed by science. In reality, semen doesn’t have much nutritional value.

Instead of worrying about just masturbation, it’s more important to think about your overall health and weight. This means exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, managing stress, and getting enough sleep.

Masturbation is a normal part of being human and shouldn’t be seen as something bad. Its impact on your weight is really minor compared to other things that affect your health.